Becket Conservation Commission Becket Town Hall~557 Main St. Minutes Thursday, December 15, 2011 ~ The Meeting is called to order at 6:30 PM. ~
Commissioners Present: Richard Pryor, Vice Chair; Kathy Vsetecka, Commissioner and Agent; Bud Moylan, Marty Winters, Purr McEwen, Commissions; Karen Karlberg, Applicant ~ Member absent: Scott Morley, Chair |
- Approval of November 17, 2011 minutes
Mr. Moylan made a motion to approve the minutes. The motion was seconded Mr. Pryor and passed unanimously.
2. Request for Determination of Applicability Karen and Mark Karlberg 63 West
Becket Road Map 204 Lot 50 Placing a shed on cement slabs and erecting a fence within 50’ of a Bordering Vegetated Wetland.
Mr. Moylan, Mr. Pryor and Ms. Vsetecka visited the site and the shed was already there. Ms. Vsetecka and Mr. Pryor state that they see no issues. Ms. Karlberg promises to take good care of the wetlands. There will be no cutting of the trees. Ms. Karlberg is looking to find native shrubs to put back to reforest, due to the damage from Hurricane Irene. Ms. McEwen states that planting native scrubs is an exempt minor activity. Ms. Vsetecka states that it is very close to the wetlands but it is elevated. The area used to be a parking area or lawn. Ms. Vsetecka notes that if it wasn’t within 50 feet, Mr. & Ms. Karlberg would have been exempt but this is not the case. Therefore, there are no issues with the llamas being there. Ms. Vsetecka notes that there was
one tree that is completely dead. Mr. Moylan notes that the tree is twenty feet off the house, which both Mr. Moylan and Ms. Vsetecka gave Mr. & Ms. Karlberg permission to remove. The project is all in buffer zone but is set to proceed.
Ms. McEwen made a negative motion of determinability for Karen and Mark Karlberg at 63 West Becket Road and with the addition that they can take down the dead tree. The motion was seconded by Mr. Moylan and passed unanimously.
3. Request for Determination of Applicability MassDOT, Highway Division I-90
Eastbound Micro milling of the existing roadway and 2” resurfacing ; cleaning
existing drainage structures and repairing as needed.
No MassDOT Representative present. Ms. Vsetecka emailed an agenda to the MassDOT with no word back. The only thing that applies to the Town of Becket is the drainage. Mr. Winters notes that the MassDOT just finished from Becket to Chester. The project begins at mile maker 11 in Lee and extends easterly to Blandford at 27. Because no one is present, all the group can do is deny or permit it. It can’t be continued without the MassDOT’s permission. Ms. Vsetecka notes that she is ok with the project as long as the drainage structures are to be cleaned of sediments to prevent the road from flooding. The Town is only concerned about repairs. Mr. Winters notes that we were very affected by the work on Route 20. Route 8 South to Otis was walked. Mr. Winters notes that
the MassDOT was given suggestions on the previous project and took them.
Ms. McEwen moves to approve a negative determination with Becket standard conditions and the special condition that if any repairs of the drainage structure are needed the appropriate erosion controls will be put in place and the commission needs to approve the erosion controls, before work commences. The motion is seconded by Mr. Moylan and passed unanimously.
4. Request for Certificate of Compliance Barry J and Judith Dichter 443 Tyne Rd.
Map 203 Lot 50.3 DEP #102-0354
Mr. Moylan notes that everything is very well done, a lot of money has been spent and all is in good shape. Mr. Moylan thinks they should approve his compliance as it has been a long haul and everything is in good shape. Ms. Vsetecka notes that the water is high now and close to the end of the native vegetation path they put in. Ms. McEwen had to go to the Board of Health to get an emergency permit for a beaver issue. Ms. Vsetecka notes that the water was high but the path is still fine and a nice job was done. Barry J and Judith Dichter wanted to put a path to
the lake but in the process they had to remove a tree and filed an amended order. Mountain laurel has been replanted.
Ms. McEwen motions to issue a Certificate of Compliance to Barry J and Judith Dichter. The motion was seconded by Mr. Winters and passes unanimously.
5. Administrative Business
a. Notice of Western Mass Electric 2012 Yearly Operational Plan Submittal
Ms. Vsetecka noted that Western Mass Electric submitted their yearly herbicide plan. Each year the same is done.
b. Site visits
Ms. Vsetecka and Mr. Moylan made site visits for winter erosion control to Daspin and Shemtob, off Leonhart Rd. . They also went to Goodwin, Kirchner , Engels, and Russell on Goodwin Road. Ms. Vsetecka states that Kirchner’s site is mostly done except one part that needs to be fixed for erosion control. But Kirchner’s now has two more years to finish because he fell under the part of two automatic extension rule. Ms. Vsetecka notes that Engels was great and Russell’s was ok. Ms. Vsetecka emailed the builder of Shemtob and Daspin on Yokum Pond to repair their erosion controls. They confirmed by email that they would get right on it. Ms. Vsetecka has not been back to the sites since. Ms. Vsetecka and Mr. Moylan visited Dichter on Tyne Road, and
Bavacqua, on Yokum Pond Road who has a partial COC. They are putting a deck by the water and just need to put in the railing. They are in a buffer zone but still need to file for the COC. Mr. Moylan made a site visit to Trembly, on Lyman Road, who is repairing a septic system. Mr. Moylan confirms that everything looks good. Next site visit needed is Rudd Pond Dam. There are two or three others sites that need to get done before the snow flies. Rudd Pond, by Camp Becket, is considered a great pond because of its size, which doesn’t necessarily need a right of way. Ms. Vsetecka plans to visit the Beaudoin site. She tried contacting the Sherwood Forest to see if they had hired an engineer for their roads. No response from Sherwood Forest as of yet. Ms. Vsetecka sent an email around to the Committee concerning Indian Lake. The response received noted that they would be exempt for where they were boring. Further, they would contact the Town if any repairs are needed. They are
boring in the top of the Dam. Looking for a void, they can do the boring but can’t do the repairs without an emergency permit from the Office of Dam Safety or the Town of Becket. There are a few more sites to be done. Ms. McEwen is to visit Yokum Pond, Daspin and Shemtob to check erosion control. All is supposed to be fixed by now.
6. Other
Mr. Moylan will be absent March and April. Mr. Pryor will be absent January and March. Three will make a quorum. Ms. Vsetecka may want to go away but has no plans yet. Ms. McEwen is not available for site visits on Mondays. Mr. Pryor notes that the Center Pond Dam meeting in January is very important.
Ms. McEwen made the motion to adjourn the meeting. The motion was seconded by Mr. Morley and passed unanimously. The meeting was adjourned at 7:08PM.
Scott Morley, Chair Date
Richard Pryor, Vice Chair Date
Kathy Vsetecka, Commissioner/Agent Date
Bud Moylan, Commissioner Date
Purr McEwen, Commissioner Date
Marty Winters, Commissioner Date
Respectfully Submitted,
Colleen Callan